Flu Vaccination Requirement - UCI Student Health Center

 1. Proof of Flu Vaccination or Declination for Covered Individuals. On or before December 1st each year, students who are living, learning, or working on campus or on premises at any University facility ("Covered Individuals") must:

     (i) receive education concerning influenza vaccine; and

     (ii) receive or affirmatively decline influenza vaccination, as further described below. Exemptions are unnecessary and need not be requested since a student may decline the flu vaccination.

2. Vaccination

    (i) On-Site Vaccination: Vaccination on-site is available at any University location (e.g., UCI Student Health Center; UCI Health Clinics including Gottschalk Medical Plaza and other UCI affiliated clinics).

    (ii) Off-Site Vaccination: Students may receive a flu vaccination at numerous clinical sites located off-campus  (e.g., at a private health care provider's office, local pharmacy, public health clinic, or during a vaccine fair). UCI Student Health Center is the Location Vaccine Authority for UCI students.

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