Another Ebola Vaccine Found Safe and Effective — Precision Vaccinations News - Precision Vaccinations
Vaccines to protect people against Zaire Ebolavirus outbreaks have been used during outbreaks over the past few years.
According to the World Health Organization, two Ebola vaccines are available in 2024.
A recent study has confirmed that the prime-boost Ebola vaccine regimen is safe and effective for children and adults.
This phase 2 study assessed the long-term immunogenicity of the MVA-BN-Filo vaccine regimen and the safety of an immune memory response to an Ad26.ZEBOV booster vaccination.
These researchers concluded, in a paper published on March 26, 2024, that the vaccine regimen and booster dose were well tolerated.
These researchers wrote that a similar and robust humoral immune response was observed for participants boosted one year and two years after the first dose, supporting the use of the regimen and flexibility of booster dose administration for prophylactic vaccination in at-risk populations.
The other recommended Ebola vaccine is Merck's Ervebo®, which was approved in 2019.
However, no vaccines have been approved to protect people against the Sudan Ebolavirus.
In 2024, ten years after the West African Zaire Ebola outbreak, the World Health Organization updated its guidelines on infection prevention and control for Ebola disease.
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