How long do flu symptoms last: A day-by-day breakdown and what you should do to recover soon - Times of India

The progression of flu symptoms is somewhat the same for everyone. Anyone who gets infected and shows symptoms will have to go through the different stages of flu. Here's a day-by-day breakdown of flu symptoms and what you can expect.

Day 1: If you have been exposed to the flu virus, you may be contagious even before the symptoms onset. On day 1, you will feel fine. But as you go about your work and daily activities, you will start experiencing a certain discomfort in your body, mild chills and body ache.

Day 2- 4: The next day, you might wake up with the classic symptoms of the flu including sore throat, fever, headache, blocked, stuffy nose and pain in the body. Between day 2-4, flu symptoms are at its peak. As per the CDC, you must maintain your distance from people around you, so as to contain the spread of the virus.

Day 5-6: By day 5, you will start to feel a bit better. With proper care and medical attention, the symptoms will become milder and you'll experience less discomfort and pain. However, continue to stay home and rest. Drink as much water as you can and eat a healthy diet.

Please note: If you do not feel better by day 5 and still have severe symptoms, get yourself professional help. Figure out the source of your illness and make sure you do not come in contact with others.

Day 7: On the seventh day, you're most likely to be able to breathe better, feel more active and will be less in pain. You will probably be on your way to work and can also step out to meet your friends. However, if your symptoms haven't diminished even now, isolate yourself and call your doctor.

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